Living Labs

The Mohammed VI Polytechnic University has implemented an innovative teaching and research model focused on experimentation. To that end, the university's sites are equipped with "Living Labs" dedicated to applied research. These laboratories are actual full-scale platforms (mining installations, farms, factories, cities ...) in which students and academics can conduct their research work.

The startups participating into the Impulse acceleration program will have access to UM6P living labs to test and develop their products and services.

Experimental Farms

UM6P has developed Agritech platforms in Morocco with plans to expand onto 14 other African countries. A pilot unit has been implemented in Côte d’Ivoire in partnership with Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouet-Boigny. The experimental farms allow researchers to develop innovative fertilizers and to elaborate models and techniques for crop rotation. They are also used to carry out planting tests in various mineral and biological settings.

Experimental Mines

OCP experimental mines are full-scale living labs dedicated to the experimentation and the development of new technologies for the mining industry. These living labs arose from OCP Group and UM6P's shared vision to promote open innovation and to create R&D-Innovation-Entrepreneurship ecosystems.

Green Energy Park

The Green Energy Park is a solar energy testing, research and training platform located in the green city of Benguerir. It is a unique platform that creates synergies and shared infrastructures for the acquisition of knowledge and the development of solutions that are adapted to the African continent.

Safi Platform

The Safi complex includes sulfuric and phosphoric acid plants, fertilizer and phosphate salt production plants, water and gas treatment plants, maintenance workshops, a power plant and many other chemical engineering installations.


The Innovation Lab for Operations (ILO) develops and manages infrastructures, demonstrators and other test tools focused on the industrial digitization with the aim to:

  • Support OCP Group and the Moroccan and African industrial players in improving their competitiveness through the industrial digitization and the improvement of their production tools
  • Support innovation within the UM6P ecosystem through the development of an open innovation platform (design, prototyping) open to the community by the provision of a FABLAB equipped with a large number of manufacturing tools

The ILO proposes two axes of development. The first axis concerns the study and the realization of projects in advanced engineering and research. The ILO provides industrial players with test platforms in the 8 following fields: advanced process control, piloting of mining, chemical and port installations, advanced maintenance, smart sensors and advanced spectrometry, industrial beneficiation, industrial simulators, systems engineering and standardization for the mining sector, development of new chemical processes for the production of phosphoric acid.

The second axis concerns the provision of a FABLAB open to the whole of the UM6P ecosystem for the realization of prototypes of different natures.